Sunday, May 15, 2022

Rules WIP



1. Game Overview and Neccessary Items

2. Units: Ships and Ship Information Cards (SICs)

3. Movement

4. Attacks

4: Attack Sequence Overview

4: Determining Attack Result: Damage and Accuracy

4: Combat Modifiers

4: Applying Damage / Conditions

5. Player Order / Turn Order

5a: Turn Phases: Command, Ship Activation, Resolution

5b: Ship Activation Sequence

6: Equipment Readout

6a: Weapons

6b: Components

6c: Fighters

7: Commands and Orders

8: Terrain

9: Standard Game Scenarios

10: Optional Rules:

9a: Stealth

9b: Factions

9c: Advanced/Removable/Optional Conditions

9d: Advanced Ships/Crew

9f: Non-combat Components

        9g:  Formations/Escorts

10:  SIC Points Calculation Matrix

11: Optional Game Aids (Order/condition decks)

12: Blank SIC / Tokens

Chapter 1:

Game Overview

What is Cosmic Conflict:  With these rules, you can play a concise, tactical game of space warfare in a broad representation of scenarios and units.

The goal of the game is to command a fleet of spaceships in order to complete scenario objectives and destroy the opposing fleet.  


For this game, the player(s) will need the following items: 


Whether by counters, models or simple pieces of paper, a Ship Representation shows to Players on the playing area three vital pieces of information; the Center Point of the ship (to and from all measurements are based) the Heading of the ship (which direction it is facing) and the Ship Identification, used to link the Ship to it’s Ship Identification Card.

A Ship Identification could be a name or number printed somewhere on the base of the model or counter, or could be the model itself assuming it’s markings are distinct enough and a picture is printed on the Ship Information Card.

Ship Information Card (SIC)

A card, paper, or other recording method that shows the relevant information about a Ship including the Weapons and Components in its arsenal, movement profile, points cost, damage track, name, and any other relevant information regarding the Ship.  The Ship Information Card should have some method of identifying which Ship it belongs to.

Random Number Generator

This game will require randomly generating numbers between 1 and 6.  The easiest way of generating the random numbers for this game is by using a pair of 6 sided dice (though one would do in a pinch).  While a number of other methods (eg. phone aps) also exist that could be used in the event that dice are not preferred or available, for the purpose of brevity this action will be referred as "roll a d6".

Measuring Device

A ruler or measuring tape to calculate movement and attack ranges.

Playing Area

A flat area used to play the game.  The size of the playing area will depend on what you have decided your units to be measured in, (cm, inches, feet, etc).  During internal play-testing, the playing area was about 30 by 54, but different scenarios may play better with more or less space.


Space is really, really empty.  Games that take place in empty space, however, tend to devolve into a shooting range simulator.  Exciting battles, however, usually happen at points of interest, which are usually located near a “landmark” of some natural or manufactured phenomenon.  In order to make the game more interesting, we recommend suspending our disbelief and adding at least four pieces of terrain suitable to the scenario being conducted.  These are detailed in the TERRAIN chapter.


Representing the activation status, Conditions, Order markers or other gameplay modifiers affecting a Ship, tokens may be any number of items from custom made acrylic markers to loose pocket change.



The Ship Information Card (SIC) [Make pictures/templates] is used to display the important information relating the the Ship.  While the information could simply be written down as a list, the various symbols provided are used to easily represent the information in a more visually tactile way.  A SIC should have a Ship Identifier located in an easily visible place.  Having a ship picture, outline or name only helps to add to the flavor of your SIC.

The five most important features of the SIC in affecting ship performance are the EQUIPMENT READOUT, the DAMAGE TRACK, the MOVEMENT TABLE, the MISS/GLANCE/HIT CHART and the SHIP SIZE listing. 

The Equipment Readout is the section of the SIC that contains the information on Weapons and Components.  Most Weapons and Components are either Primary or Secondary to the Ship.  Though they use the same symbols, Primaries should be displayed noticeably larger than the Secondaries, making them easy to tell apart.  For Weapons, a symbol should be surrounding the icon that informs the viewer though which arcs the Weapon may be fired.  The arrangement of the Equipment Readout can be made as the player seems fit.  Sorting the Slots into an arrangement similar to the Ship model or picture used can be a helpful during initial Ship construction or when visualizing the Ship’s actions during the game.


The Damage Track represents the Shields, Armor and Health of the Ship.  As the Ship takes damage, fill in the open spaces on the damage track to indicate the amount of damage that the ship has taken.

The Movement Table details the movement characteristics of the Ship at different speeds (Velocity).  How these numbers come to affect the Ship during gameplay is detailed in the MOVEMENT chapter.  It can be helpful to have a Ship Movement Chart somewhere on the edge of the card.  In this way, a tab or clip can be fastened in order to more easily track the Ship’s Velocity.  

The Miss/Glance/Hit chart shows the outcome of an Accuracy roll, detailed in the ATTACKS chapter (Section 4b).

Finally, the Ship Size number indicates the relation that Weapons and Components in the SIC of this and other Ships interact in various ways, detailed in their relevant sections.

Blank templates in the back of the book is included for you to start building your own SICs.  Other important items in the template include the points costs of the Ship, an area to list any particular scenario or Conditions received, and/or an area for a name or other flavor text.

You can also download a free template online at :



When it is time to move a Ship, refer to the Movement Chart on the SIC and perform the following steps:

1. The controlling player may adjust the Ship’s current VELOCITY up or down by 1.

2. Measuring from the Center Point of the Ship Representation, move the Ship straight forward a distance equal to the Ship’s VELOCITY.

3. If the MANEUVER value is greater than 0, the controlling player may move the Ship to a location that is less than or equal to the MANEUVER value, measuring from the Center Point.

4. The player may rotate the Ship by a value equal to or less than 30 degrees per 1 HEADING value.  (eg, Heading 3 may turn up to 90 degrees in either direction)  It may be easiest to imagine the Ship on a clock face, each number represents a 30 degree turn.  


During the Activation of a Ship, it has the opportunity to fire its weapons at enemy Ships.


1. From the Ship’s SIC, select a Weapon system that has not attacked this turn.

2. Select a target within Range and Fire Arc of the attacking Weapon.  The Range of a Weapon is listed in the Weapon’s description (see the WEAPONS chapter).  The Fire Arc of the weapon should be indicated on the SIC.  For a Weapon to attack, there should be able to be drawn from the center point of the Attacker and the Target, a line that passes through a Firing Arc, were it superimposed upon the playing area in the orientation of the ship.

4. Roll a d6 for each of the values of ACCURACY and DAMAGE and apply the relevant modifiers.  (See the ACCURACY, DAMAGE and COMBAT MODIFIERS section for more information)

Note:  An easy way to do this is to roll two dice of different color, designating one color for ACCURACY and the other for DAMAGE.

5. Apply any positive DAMAGE result to the target ship. (See the ASSIGNING DAMAGE section for more information)

6. If a Ship Health row has been filled, generate a CONDITION for the target ship.  (See the CONDITIONS section for more information)

7. Repeat until all eligible Weapon systems have been selected or the player chooses to end the ATTACKING portion of the Ship Activation sequence.



The damage result of an attack that hits is equal to: (d6 + [Weapon Size – Ship Size]) +/- any Modifiers.  This number is further modified by the accuracy result


Calculate the number for accuracy using the formula:  (d6 + [Ship size - Weapon Size]) +/- any Modifiers.  Compare this result to the target Ship’s “Miss/Glance/Hit” chart.  If the result is a Hit, the full Damage result is applied to the Ship.  If the result is a Glance, one-half of the Damage result is applied to the Ship, rounding up.  If the result is a Miss, the Ship takes no damage.


Numerous conditions can cause favorable or unfavorable effects during combat.  Any modification to the Damage or Accuracy of an attack will be noted in the description of the relevant Weapon, Components, Terrain and Scenario descriptions. 


SHIP HEALTH:     Each Ship has one health track for each Size of the Ship, representing the amount of damage the ship can take.     An average ship health track contains 10 health/damage units, though this is not always the case.  As a ship takes damage, mark the track to indicate the damage taken along one row at a time.        

When a row has been completed, the Ship should immediately generate a CONDITION (see GENERATING A CONDITION below).

When enough damage has been received that all health rows have been completed, the Ship is considered destroyed and removed from the playing area.


As a ship suffers damage, more than just the hull is destroyed.     Weapons are lost, shielding will fail, communications will go down or sometimes an unlucky hit will make the ship go critical.     To simulate this, roll two d6, add the results together and compare to the chart below.  Reroll any result that cannot have a functional effect.

2: Catastrophic Damage: A chain reaction destroys the Ship.

3: Critical Damage: Roll two more times on this chart.

4-5: Structural Damage: When taking damage to Ship Health, this Ship takes 1 additional damage.

6-7: Serious Damage: This Ship immediately takes 2 damage.

8: Weapons Damage: May no longer spend a Command Token on [Offensive] Commands or give [Offensive] Orders and must choose one of the following to apply to this Ship:

a. Choose and deactivate one Weapon in a Primary Slot.

b. Choose and deactivate two Weapons in Secondary Slots.

9: Component Damage: May no longer spend a Command Token on [Defensive] Commands or give [Defensive] Orders and must choose one of the following to apply to this Ship:

a. Choose and deactivate one Component in a Primary Slot.

b. Choose and deactivate two Components in Secondary Slots.

10: Communications Damage:     The Ship is no longer able to execute Commands/Orders other than [Hyperspace] and may not be an Escort or a member of a Formation.

11: Propulsion Damage: May no longer spend a Command Token on [Navigate] Commands or give [Navigate] Orders and choose one of the following that does not already apply to this ship:    

a.     The Ship is no longer able to use any [Hyperspace] Commands.        

b.     The Ship does may not change its Velocity during its activation until the end of the game.

12:     No Condition Generated.


Write a note or use a marker to show what conditions a Ship is under the effects of.  Unless your opponent agrees, you may not choose to deactivate a Weapon or Component that has already been rendered functionally ineffective (eg. an Armor component with a damage track has already been completely filled).

Before the game begins, you may agree with your opponent to modify the Condition table or to ignore certain results completely.

Chapter 5:

Player Order/Turn order

Player Order: 

If the scenario does not specify, the players will need to determine which player may/must perform their turn first.  If this cannot be decided by player agreement, flipping a coin/rolling a dice can be used to resolve which player may/must make the first move.

Turn Order:

The game is played over a series of turns divided into a series of phases.  The order of phases for one game turn is as follows:

1.  Command Phase

2.  Ship Activation Phase

3.  Resolution Phase


During the Command Phase, each Player makes the following choice:  

1. Write down on a card or piece of paper “Orders: (Specific Order Here)” and execute the Orders when the player chooses or rules dictate.  This may be hidden from opposing players until the effect is relevant or other game conditions make it known.  Placing this on an upside down piece of paper for each ship is an acceptable way of performing this action.  For more information on available Orders, see the relevant section in LIST OF COMMANDS/ORDERS.

If a controlling player has not revealed the Orders to other players, they may choose to discard the Orders and enact a Command effect as though they had used a Command Token.

Note: If the controlling player chooses to hide the orders from other players, they are not in effect until the controlling player chooses to reveal them.  Any actions fully resolved may not have their outcomes adjusted retrospectively unless both players agree.

2. Place a Command Token on the Ship Information Card.  This may be spent at any appropriate time to make a selection from the list of available Commands.  For more information on available Commands, see the relevant section in LIST OF COMMANDS/ORDERS.

Summary: Choose and place Orders or a Command Token on each SIC.


Step 1: Starting with Size 1 Ships, each player alternates activating one Ship until all Size 1 Ships are activated.  A player may elect to pass, but if they do so, they may not activate any other Size 1 Ships until the later step specifies.  Any other players continue to activate Size 1 Ships until all Size 1 Ships have been activated or all players have passed.  If a player does not control any Size 1 Ships, they must pass.

Step 2:  Repeat Step 1 for each Ship Size in the increasing order.  When the largest Size of Ship has been reached, all Ships of that Size must be activated and the Players cannot pass.

Step 3: Beginning with the Ships one size lower than the last activated Ship's size, alternate activating every unactivated Ship of that Size until all such Ships have been activated.

Step 4:  Repeat Step 4 for each Ship Size in decreasing order, until all Ships in play have been activated.

Summary: Alternating players, each takes a turn Activating a Ship or passing until each ship of that Size has Activated, from smallest to largest, then Activate any remaining Ships from Size largest to smallest.


During this phase, check for victory condition fulfillment and resolve any effects from weapons, conditions, orders/commands or any other events that are required.  Remove any tokens and upkeep any events that end with the turn, such as Activation markers.


A Ship’s activation is divided into two separate sequences taken in the following order.  

1.  Attack any Weapons or use any Components on the SIC. (See Chapter 4: Attacking)

2.  Move the ship.  (See Chapter 3: Movement)

After completing a ship’s Activation, make a note or place a token on the SIC or near the Ship representation in the play area to designate that it has been Activated this turn.. 

Chapter: 6

Equipment Readout

The Equipment Readout is an important part of the SIC (Ship Information Card) as described in the first chapter.  As written there, two kinds of symbols are present, Weapons and Components.  Most of these have two variations, Primary and Secondary, being visually larger or smaller respectively.  This chapter lays out the specifics of each Weapon and Component and the difference between Primary and Secondary.  


Specifically used to cause damage to a target, a Weapon is a vital piece of equipment to any warship.  While a number of types are listed, please keep in mind that these “weapons” are for differentiation of characteristics, and not necessarily indicative of the literal weapon system used.  For example, a long range laser weapon may be best suited to the “Beam” Weapon characteristics, but a short range, high damage pulsing laser may be better suited to the ruleset of the “Rockets” weapon.  These profiles are for centralized rule recognition and are not intended to railroad any ship design characteristics.

Before covering individual weapons, a number of defined parameters should be established:

1: Weapon Size:  A Weapon that occupies a Primary Slot on a Ship is considered the same Size as the Ship.  It should be noticeably larger in size on the Equipment readout if compared to a Secondary Weapon.  A Weapon that occupies a Secondary Slot is considered one Size smaller than the Ship Size, and should be smaller on the Equipment Readout than a Primary Weapon.

(X) Range: The distance (X) from the Ship that a Weapon may effectively attack another Ship.  It may be assumed that in space there are rangefinders that can calculate if an attack is within a Weapon’s range, and the distance between ships may be measured before declaring an attack.

(X) Extended Range (Y): The distance (X from the Ship that a Weapon may attack a ship.  During this attack, accuracy suffers a -(Y) modifier.  

Affected by PWS:  When this appears, this weapon has a -1 Damage modifier for every Proximity Weapons System (PWS) mounted on a ship.

Weapon Variants:

A Weapon may be assigned one Variant unless otherwise noted.  A Variant is a special set of modifiers that adjust the characteristics of a Weapon.

Linked (X): Representing a battery of smaller Weapons being linked together, an Attack from this weapon gains an (X)+1 Accuracy modifier, but also a -(X) Damage modifier.

Oversized: -1 Accuracy Modifier.  Damage: Roll two d6 and use the higher of the two results.  Range: Add 2 Distance to the highest Range or Extended Range value.  Pts: Add 30% to the cost of this Weapon (round up).  Designated by an additional concentric firing arc.  Oversized may only be applied to Primary Weapons.

Structurally Mounted: -1 Accuracy Modifier.  Damage: Roll two d6 and add the results.  Range: Add 4 Distance to the highest range value.  Only one Firing Arc allowed.  Pts: Equal to two Primary Components.  Designated by a Component Hex attached to a one Firing Arc Weapon symbol, oriented in the direction of the active Firing Arc.  This Variant is treated as both a Weapon and a Component, and will always occupy two Primary slots.

Weapon Types:

Kinetic Weapons:

10 Range

18 Extended Range 1

Special:  An Accuracy roll that is greater than the undamaged value of an Armor or Shield component ignores that Component when assigning damage.

The bread and butter of most newly space-faring civilizations, the kinetic weapon is a reliable source of inflicting damage.

Beam Weapons:

12 Range

20 Extended Range 1

Always damages Shield health tracks first (if any)

While beam weapons are more energy intensive to operate, their faster travel time means a longer effective engagement distance.


6 Range

12 Extended Range 1

18 Extended Range 2

Affected by PWS

May not be a Variant

Special: Damage at normal Range is two d6.  Damage at Extended Range 1 is the higher of two d6 rolls.  Damage at Extended Range 2 is one d6.

A saturated mass-attack of rockets becomes more lethal the closer the target is.


24 Range

Affected by PWS

May not be a Variant

Special:  If within 10 Range, the attack ignores Blocking Terrain.  If the target is farther than 10, place a Missile token within 10 of the attacking Ship.  At the beginning of the Resolution Phase, resolve the attack to the same target as though from the position of the missile token.

The extreme range of guided missiles makes it the perfect weapon for those desiring accuracy and first-strike capability.


Much like Weapons, Components have slightly different properties if existing as a Primary or Secondary slot.  These are listed within the Component description.  

Area Weapons System:  


Passive: Every Ship within (Ship Size x 2) distance counts as having an additional Proximity Weapon System (PWS) equipped for the purposes of defending against missile attacks and Fighters.

Active: During this Ship’s Activation, the controlling player may choose one missile, token or Fighter within (Ship Size x 2) distance of this Ship per AWS equipped.  If a missile token is selected, remove it from play.  If a Fighter is selected, it takes d6 damage. 


Primary- Add an Armor health track equal to the Ship’s Damage Track.

Secondary- Add an Armor health track equal to one-half of a Ship’s Damage Track (round up).


Primary- Add Shield health track equal to the Ship’s Damage Track.

Secondary- Add Shield health track equal to one-half of a Ship’s Damage Track (round up).

Special:  An accuracy roll that is greater than the value of the undamaged portion of a Shield component ignores that Component when assigning damage.


Primary: Attacks against this ship have an additional -1 modifier to Accuracy.

Secondary: Extend the range of suffering a Glancing Hit by 1 (eg, 1-2, 1-3, etc)


Primary: This Ship may make one additional [Navigation] Order per turn.  This Order may only be discarded for a [Navigation]


Maneuver Enhance: 

Secondary: This Ship has the Maneuver movement profile of a ship one Size smaller (stackable).

Heading Enhance:

Secondary:  This Ship has the Heading movement profile of a ship one Size smaller (stackable).

Advanced Sensors:

Secondary: This Ship may make one additional [Scanning] Order per turn. This Order may only be discarded for a [Scanning] Command.

Fighter Launch Hangar: 

Primary: Allows this player to include one additional unit of Fighters in their force.  These may be start the game on this Ship or deployed within 8 distance of this Ship.  This Ship may Launch or Collect one unit of Fighters per each Fighter Launch Hangar per turn.  A Fighter may be Launched or Collected when the Ship or the Fighter moves within 2 distance of each other.  This component costs 5 points instead of the normal cost.

Fighter Hangar: 

Primary: Allows this player to include one additional unit of Fighters in their force.  These start the game on this Ship.  This Component requires a Fighter Launch Hangar on the same Ship to deploy these Fighters.  This component costs 0 points instead of the normal cost.

Proximity Weapon System:

Close range weapons that are typically used for defense instead of offense.  Reduces damage taken by certain weapons by 1 (see weapon descriptions).  If a Ship or Fighter moves to within 2 distance of an enemy Ship, the controlling player may elect to exchange PWS fire, where both Ships immediately inflict one d6 of Damage per PWS equipped.  (This distance may be made greater or smaller depending on the models and basing methods used.)


Smaller craft launched from a carrier ship, Fighters are unique to other Ships and have special rules accordingly:

Every Fighter must be assigned to a Ship before the game begins.  That ship is the Fighter’s carrier.

For the purposes of attacking, defending, and turn order, Fighters are considered Size 0, and may not be attacked at Extended Range.

During their movement phase, Fighters may move up to 7 Distance in any direction.

Fighters may be equipped with up to one Primary slot and one Secondary slot from the Ship Weapons and Components list above.  The exceptions to this is as follows: 

A Fighter may not take a Weapon as a secondary slot.

A Fighter may not take the Area Weapons System, Fighter Launch Hangar and Fighter Hangar components.

A Fighter taking a Proximity Weapon System equips this as a Primary slot.

A Fighter may take any additional number of Fighter Specific Components (detailed later).

A Weapon on a Fighter must have a Size that is chosen at the creation of the Fighter.  It additionally has the following restrictions:

Fighters cannot attack at Extended Range.

Fighters may only attack one time with the Weapon before 

needing to resupply.

To resupply a Weapon, a Fighter must spend the entire turn 

on its designated carrier Ship

By default, all Fighters have six Health in their damage track.

Fighters cannot be issued Commands or Orders.

Unless the Scenario dictates otherwise, Fighters do not count as a Ship.  If their carrier is destroyed, the points value of the Fighters cannot be claimed by the controlling player and may be claimed by the opposing player even if they were not destroyed.


These components are specific to Fighters and are considered Secondary slots unless otherwise specified.

FTL Drives:  Allows this Fighter to be played without a carrier, and may be given [Hyperspace] Orders.

Fighter Proximity Weapon System (fPWS):  Strictly anti-Fighter weapons, this component allows a Fighter to act as though equipped with an additional PWS for the purposes exchanging PWS fire between itself and another Fighter.

Interceptor Boosters:  This Fighter group may move up to  10 distance during the movement phase.

Extended Payload:  A Weapon on this Fighter may fire one additional time before needing to resupply.

Determining the points cost:

A Primary/Secondary Weapon or Component costs 20/10 points respectively.  

A second Primary may not be added.  

If there is no Primary Weapon or Component, a second Secondary Weapon or Component costs 10 points.

Each additional Secondary costs 10 points and increases the total cost of the Fighter by an additional 10% cumulatively.


Over the course of the game, players will be able to assign orders and commands to their Ships to help them adapt to the changing conditions on the field.  The process of assigning Orders and Command Tokens is detailed in Chapter 5: Command phase.

Orders and Commands can be organized into different [Types] relating to their function.  This allows them to be categorically referred to in Scenario or Condition descriptions.

Any specific Order or Command cannot be given in the same ship more than once in a turn unless otherwise specified.


[Offensive] Orders:

Contingent Attack:  This Ship may fire Weapons at any point during or after its activation.

Offensive Focus: When determining the results of each Attack this turn, this Ship may choose to discard either an Accuracy or Damage d6 roll and immediately reroll the d6 before applying Damage.

[Offensive] Commands:

A Ship may discard a command token or unrevealed Order to perform one of the following:

-When determining the results of this Attack, this Ship may choose to discard either an Accuracy or Damage d6 roll and immediately reroll the d6 before applying Damage.

-Immediately make an Attack with one Weapon that has not yet been used this turn (this may be done outside the Ship’s normal Activation).

[Defensive] Orders:

Brace for Impact:  For the remainder of this turn, if this Ship receives damage that finishes a Health damage track, disregard damage that would be applied to the next health track.  The Ship may roll twice on the Condition table and choose which Condition to suffer.

Reinforce Shields:  At the beginning of the Resolution phase, remove damage from any Shield damage tracks equal to [Size of the Ship] + [Number of Shields equipped]

[Defensive] Commands:

A Ship may discard a command token or unrevealed Order to perform one of the following:

After a Condition has been determined, but before applying it to this Ship, randomly generate another Condition and replace the previous Condition.

[Navigate] Orders:

Evasive Actions:  Attacks against this Ship receive a -1 modifier to Accuracy.  

Change Velocity:  This Ship may immediately increase or decrease its Velocity by 1.

[Navigate] Commands: 

A Ship may discard a command token or unrevealed Order to perform one of the following:

Dodge: After an Attack’s result has been calculated against this Ship, immediately add a -1 Accuracy modifier and recalculate the result.

Change Velocity:  This Ship may immediately increase or decrease its Velocity by 1. 

[Scanning] Orders: 

Enhance Scanners:  Reveal this Ship if not already revealed and choose one of the following:

1. Reveal another Ship in play if it is within (Target Ship Size x 8) distance.

2. Fulfill an Orders requirement for the current Scenario.

3.  Look at the Orders of another Ship within 24 distance.  This does not cause them to be revealed.

Mark Target (May be performed more than once per turn if on separate ships):  During the Attack phase of this Ship, the controlling player may place a [Marked] token on an enemy Ship within (Enemy Ship Size x 4) distance that does not have Solid terrain directly between them.  A [Marked] token may be removed during this or another friendly Ship’s attack phase to perform one (or more, if more than one token was removed) of the following effects for the entire Attack phase of that ship.

1: This Ship receives  a +2 Accuracy modifier to Attacks against the Marked Ship.

2: Ignore the effects of Terrain when making Attacks against the Marked Ship.  Blocking terrain will still block any weapon that must be fired directly at a target, but any indirect weapons (eg, missiles) may be fired at the enemy Ship.

3: This Ship may add 4 Distance to the largest Range/Extended range values of its Weapons for this Attack Phase.

Unspent [Marked] tokens are removed at the end of the turn.

[Scanning] Commands:  

A ship may discard a command token or unrevealed Order to perform one of the following:

Enhance Sensors:  Reveal this Ship if not already revealed and choose one of the following:

1. Reveal another Ship in play if it is within (Target Ship x 5) distance.

2. Fulfill a Command requirement for the current Scenario.

[Hyperspace] Orders:  

Jump to Hyperspace:  Reveal this at the end of the resolution phase.  During the next turn, this Ship may not be given any Orders or Command tokens, and when this Ship is activated, remove it from play.



Space is a large and very empty place, but the likelihood of anything valuable being in an area where nothing is present is, by definition, remote.  Because of that reason, most battles end up being in locations with spacial obstacles and terrain that both sides will attempt to use to their advantage.

It is recommended that terrain be placed to complement the scenario played, and that a substantial amount of terrain be utilized.  A minimum of 3-4 on a small table is recommended.  Terrain features may overlap each other and the effects of multiple terrain features stack.

Before the game starts, place the terrain in an interesting configuration that suits both players.  This may be done by alternating terrain placement between players, or by having one player set up the terrain and having the other player choose which sides the engagement will happen on.  Review and agree what each piece of terrain is and what its particular attributes are.  Unless predetermined by the players, a Ship within a terrain feature ignores that terrain for its own Attacks.

Terrain Attributes:

Solid:  Planets or moons are the most common forms of this terrain.  They prevent attacks between two Ships located on opposite sides, and ending your movement inside Solid terrain results in the immediate destruction of the Ship.

Concealing:  This terrain does not hamper movement, but is treated as Solid terrain for purposes of determining if a Ship may perform an attack.  A Ship inside this terrain feature does not ignore this attribute.

Obscuring (X):  Dust clouds or other small debris may lower the ability of Ships to hit each other.  Attacks between Ships with Obscuring terrain between them have a negative Accuracy modifier equal to the number (X).

Dangerous (X):  Some terrain poses a danger to spacecraft that enter it.  A Ship spends begins its resolution phase inside Dangerous Terrain takes X damage per Size of the Ship.

Hazardous (X): Some terrain is only dangerous if not navigated with particular care.  If a Ship ends its movement in Hazardous terrain without having used a [Navigate] Order or Command this turn, it takes X damage per Size of the Ship.

Blocking:  After determining the Accuracy and Damage results of an Attack that passes through Blocking terrain, the Defending ship may request that one d6 roll be discarded and a new d6 be rolled for that Attack.

Mobile (X):  Some terrain moves about the battlefield at a set distance and trajectory that is determined before the game starts.  Determine and mark the direction the terrain will move and resolve it every turn at the beginning of the Resolution phase by moving it (X) distance.

Push/Pull (X):  At the end of a Ship’s movement phase, move the Ship X distance towards/away from the center of terrain (or whatever point of origin is specified).

Terrain Examples:

Planet/Moon: Solid

Ships often use planets other massive objects to close the distance against longer-ranged foes.

Asteroid Field: Hazardous 1, Blocking

Navigation of an asteroid field can be a tricky endeavor, but the cover it provides can make up for the inconvenience.

Massive Asteroid: Solid, Movement 2

Though smaller than a planet, a massive asteroid's movement can catch an unwary Ship and turn it into debris.

Dust Cloud:  Obscuring 1

A loose mass of sediment or some other atomized particulate.


Inner Band: Obscuring 1

Outer Band: Obscuring 1

Dense Gas Nebula

Inner Band: Concealing

Outer Band: Obscuring 1

Some masses of gas and dust can completely hide ships waiting in ambush.


Plasma Storm:  Concealing, Dangerous 1

Specially shielded science vessels have successfully performed studies inside of plasma storms, but military craft are rarely outfitted with the sensors or shields to endure such punishment.

Meteor Swarm: Dangerous 1, Hazardous 1, Obscuring 2, Movement 3

Smaller than asteroids, but with more velocity, a meteor swarm can change the flow of battle as it leaves carnage in its wake.

Giant Meteor:
Inner Mass:  Solid, Movement 3

Meteor Tail: Hazardous 1, Obscuring 1

A giant meteor may be seen as an opportunity for research and resources for some, and a political or religious omen to others.

Wreckage: Hazardous 1, Obscuring 1

The debris from a previous battle doesn’t do much to block exchanges of fire, but the pieces of spacecraft can muddle the targeting sensors and may become collision hazards.

Minefield:  Dangerous 2, Hazardous 1  

Usually placed to restrict movement lanes and protect from flanking, a minefield can be a significant defensive emplacement.

Ancient Minefield: Hazardous 2, Blocking

Littered with the wreckage of past wars, this minefield still poses significant danger due to the debris and any remaining active charges.

Wormhole Entrance: Pull 1

Wormhole Exit: Push 1

Wormholes may not necessarily be connected, and may have varying traits depending on what ambient material may be drawn in or transported out.  This may make them Dangerous, Obscuring, Concealing or any other mix of attributes.

Gravity Anomaly Field:  Blocking, Push 1 (Random)

Strange parts of space may be subject to gravitational forces that can unexpectedly change the movement of Ships who are affected by it.



While it can be great fun to simply run two forces at each other, blasting away with abandon, violence in the void has great risk.  Even with the most overwhelmingly favorable odds, combat is not taken lightly without some possible objective to achieve (or deny to the opponent).  


With the playing area, terrain and player sides determined, each player should take turns placing Ships from largest to smallest Size within 8 distance of their starting edge (unless otherwise agreed upon).


Establish before the game begins when the game will end, whether it is a predetermined event, a specific or random number of turns.  It is recommended to play for at least 5 turns, at the end of which the players should roll a d6.  On a 4-6, the game ends, otherwise play additional rounds until a 4-6 is rolled or both players agree to adjourn.  If a game turn begins with only one player side controlling all remaining ships, the game ends.


In a "standard" game, the scenario objective is the only known victory condition.  To this end, it may be tempting to "play the meta", that is, to perform unusually uncharacteristic list-building or strategically nonsensical actions in order to achieve the singular goal.  In an effort to encourage tactical play and keep players mindful of the results of a Pyrrhic victory, it is encouraged that players agree to use two (or one, if the scenario objective is particularly crucial) of the following victory conditions, selected randomly after the game's conclusion.  This can be done by numbering them and rolling a dice, drawing them out of a bag, or any other method.

1. Area control -  Dividing the playing area into one to six (determine randomly) equal areas along the X or Y axis (determine randomly), add the total number of Ship Sizes for each player and award this victory condition to the player who has a larger number in more sections.  Some scenarios may make this victory condition inappropriate.

2. Ships Remaining - Roll a d6:  On 1-3, add the total number of each remaining Ship's Size for each player.  On 4-6, add the total number of each remaining Ship's Point Values for each player.  If a Ship has received a Condition, reduce its Size/Points contribution to one-half its original value.   The player with the highest number wins this victory condition.

3. Ships Destroyed / Fled - Roll a d6:  On 1-3, add the total number of each destroyed Ship's Size for each player.  On 4-6, add the total number of each Destroyed Ship's Point Values for each player.  Add to this half the number of each Ship's Size/Points if they successfully fled the playing area due to a [Hyperspace] Order or other suitable reason. The player with the lowest number wins this victory condition. (An escape/pursuit scenario may require ignoring certain Ships for this condition.)

4. Conditions Inflicted - Calculate the number of Conditions assigned to each remaining Ship.  The player with the lowest number wins this victory condition.

The player that wins one more victory condition than the opponent can claim victory.  Winning two more or even all three makes the victory even more decisive.  It is possible to achieve a tie in both determining a victory condition and for the game.  Keep in mind that commanders in real-life conflicts can seldom guess the long term ramifications of their engagement even if it seems to be a win or loss at the time.



Setup:  Before the game begins, split the playing area into equal halves along the X axis.  During the Resolution phase, a player who controls a Ship in the half opposite of their starting edge may use a [Scanning] Order to place one objective token onto the SIC of that Ship.  A Ship may only have one such token.  

Conclusion:  At the end of the game, count the number of tokens each player has on any ships that were not destroyed.  The player with the highest number of tokens wins this victory condition.


Setup:  Determine the a line an equal distance between the player starting edges.  Along this line, place one objective (a token or interesting model) for each 500 points of a player's force size.  If players cannot agree on what location to place each objective, have each player place one objective and the odd objective be placed exactly in the middle.

Conclusion:  At the end of the game, count all Ships within a radius of [Ship Size x 2] distance of each objective for each player.  A Ship may be counted more than once if by different objectives.  The player with the highest number of Ships wins this victory condition.


While the game above can be played as written, some players may wish to add additional complexity or customization to the core game mechanics.  Below are listed a number of optional rules that may be used with the agreement of both players.  This is hardly an exhaustive list, but hopefully will lead to sparking your creativity, spicing up your games or inspiring new scenarios for you and your opponents.

---Stealth:  While it is assumed that both forces have closed to the point of clear identification if their weapons are within effective range, this game may also take place in a universe where this is the case.  Following this rule, keep the SICs of each player hidden until a predetermined action causes the Ship to be revealed.  See the [Scanning] Orders and Commands section for more on this.

Ship models may be replaced with unmarked (save for an ID and heading indicator) token, or the Size may also be displayed.  Another alternative would be to have three "Categories" (Small, Medium, Large) for different Sizes (1-2, 3-4, 5-6 respectively).  Consider the possibility of bogeys as a scenario element.  A Secondary Component that adjusts the "Stealth Size" is another possible addition.

If a Component exists that allows a Ship to become "Cloaked" and disappear, the author encourages the players to require an Order that executes in the Resolution phase and requires the controlling player to immediately decide and record the duration of the "Cloak" and what navigation actions will take place during that time.

---Factions:  The current system of Ship design was to constructed to create Ships of varying abilities, but sometimes a measure of customization or cohesion in traits outside the scope of the construction matrix can be appropriate.  The "flavor" of a space faring force can be worth altering a game play mechanic if all players are in agreement.  For example, a mercenary company that builds craft of dubious quality to in order to turn out as many ships as possible may begin the game with every ship having the "Structural Damage" Condition (See Conditions) but cost 15% less points.  Another possibility would be a group that specializes in Beam Weapons, that adds 2 to the Range (but not Extended Range) at the expense of being restricted to Beam Weapons only.

While it may be tempting to build a faction that is in many ways superior to the average fleet, consider that incorporating disadvantages can make for a much more satisfying backstory, and strategically compensating for a weakness can make victory all the sweeter.  The author recommends applying one Disadvantage for every Advantage with consideration to the degree that each particular change would alter play.

---Advanced / Removable / Optional Conditions:  In the standard rules a Condition represents the state of a Ship that modifies its status negatively as a result of taking damage that lasts until the end of the game.  A different or more complicated system of Conditions may be implemented with the agreement of both players.  For starters, the probability of incurring a particular Condition can be controlled by changing the numbers that generate a particular Condition, such as if both players want to eschew the "Catastrophic Damage" Condition.  Using a deck of Condition cards can be another way of generating Conditions that allows control of the probabilities by adding or removing particular cards.

Advanced Conditions:  Standard Conditions have a set effect for simplicity of play, but it is possible to create a Condition that changes over time.  It could have a delayed effect, an effect that is minor but becomes major if the Ship does not avoid a certain action, or cause a major effect that is only temporary.  Examples of this could be an ammunition feed failure that allows a weapon to fire one more time before being deactivated, compromised engines that reduces Heading and Maneuver by 1, then disallows Velocity changes after the Ship makes any [Navigate] Orders / Commands, or a power loss that  makes the Ship skip its next activation.

Removable:  Players may decide that some Conditions may be removable under certain circumstances.  The author recommends establishing a [Repair] order that can remove specific Conditions in the Resolution Phase.  This could allow a ship to reactivate Weapons / Components, or regain Orders functionality during game play.  If the game is happening as part of a longer, legacy or campaign experience, consider how Conditions will carry over to future games and what repair/refit opportunities will be available.

Optional:  Some Conditions could be designed by the players with the intent to be self-inflicted.  This could be done to gain a temporary advantage (perhaps a Scenario or Faction trait), exchange a Condition in lieu of repairing it (or if repairs are not available), or in an attempt to scuttle a ship to prevent capture.  Examples of this could be a Faction of berserkers, who may once per activation fire a Weapon twice to incur a "Weapon's Damage" Condition, or rerouting power to defenses by exchanging a "Component Damage" Condition for a "Propulsion Damage" Condition   Self Inflicting a condition to get an advantage or change the condition already inflicted.

---Advanced Ships/Crew:  Some Ships or their crew have distinguishing features that make them particularly unique.  One of the most common ways this can happen is determining a Veteran status during a legacy / campaign game.  Other specific qualities could include a particular construction of special materials or the inclusion of an assistant command AI.  These ships may be part of a particular scenario and almost always have a history attached to them.

In game play, there are multiple ways to express these peculiarities.  A veteran commander / crew could be assigned one re-roll per turn during their activation.  A Ship that is considered "lucky" or especially well-built may be allowed to reroll on any Condition rolls.  An assistant commander or Command AI may allow for one additional Command Token to be assigned per turn.  If players agree to include a ship that is extraordinarily unique, consider the reasons why it is so and how to express this in game terms. 

---Non-Combat Components:  Not every vessel is built for space warfare.  From cargo to tourism, couriers to assault ships, a wide variety of purposes may exist to build a spacecraft.  For the needs of a scenario, players should determine if it is necessary to create non-combat components.  If the goal is to land more troops onto a planet's surface and to blockade your opponent from doing so, it may be complimentary to design a mixed purpose craft.  Merchant ships that frequent hostile areas may be armed with weapons similar to the mercenaries they hire, but need to balance profit and protection.  Decide if there will be a points cost assigned to these components, and if there will be any game play considerations beyond Victory Conditions.


Formations and Escorts allow for tactical alternatives in play style. 

In Summary:

Formations:  Two or more Ships working in coordination to achieve a collective offensive or defensive purpose may consider combining into a Formation.

Escort:  A Ship that follows and assists another Ship for screening and defensive purposes.

Creating/Adding to a Formation:  A player that wishes to create a Formation must signal to their opponent their intent before the beginning of the turn.  The player then designates a Lead Ship.  All other Ships entering the Formation must be within 2 distance, have matching velocities and be within 1 Heading of the Lead Ship.  It is recommended that the SICs of the Ships in Formation should be placed adjacent to each other to help administrate the formation.  

From this point on:

All movement and measurement for every ship in the Formation shall be made to or from the Lead Ship.

Only the Lead Ship is assigned a Command.  That Command is utilised for every Ship in the Formation.

The Formation may/must be activated according to the Ship of the largest Size comprising the Formation.

Since all ships must move together, use the lowest Heading and Maneuver value of all Ships in the Formation.

The other Ships may be placed on the play area in whatever way the controlling player desires, so long as it does not lead to confusion for game play purposes.

The Formation shall be declared Defensive or Offensive  This may be changed only before the beginning of a turn:

Defensive Formations have the following rule:  Whenever an Attack would Hit a target Ship in this Formation, the controlling player may elect to have it Hit another Ship of the same Size or smaller.

Offensive Formations have the following rule:  Before a Ship in this formation performs an Attack, the controlling player may use one Weapon from each of any number of Ships in this formation to add a Damage Modifier equal to the total number of Weapon Size added in this way.  These added Weapons must be of the same type and variant, and must be the same Size or smaller as the Weapon performing the Attack.

Designating an Escort: A player that wishes to designate an Escort must signal to their opponent their intent before the beginning of the turn.  The player then designates a Ship that will become an Escort and which Ship will be Escorted.  The Escorting Ship must be the same Size or smaller than the Escorted Ship.  The Escorting and Escorted Ships must be within 2 distance, have matching velocities and be within 1 Heading.  It is recommended that the SICs of the Ships should be placed adjacent to each other to help administrate this relationship.  

An Escort may not have an Escort itself.

From this point on:

All movement and measurement for these Ships will be made from the Escorted Ship. 

Each Ship is given their own Orders or Commands independently.

Both the Escort and Escorted Ships must be activated according to the Ship of the largest Size to maintain the relationship, but may choose to end the relationship at any time to act in accordance to an activation that only one of the ships may participate.  If this happens, immediately place the Escorting Ship within 1 Distance of the Escorted Ship.

Since all Ships must move together, use the lowest Heading and Maneuver value of all Ships in the relationship or immediately place the Escorting Ship within 1 Distance of the Escorted Ship after any movement takes place.

The Escorting Ships may be placed in the play area in whatever way the player desires, so long as it does not lead to confusion for game play purposes.

The Escorting Ships operate under the following rule:

Once per Ship Activation, an Attack that would hit the Escorted Ship may have the damage dealt to an Escorting Ship instead.  Recalculate the damage with the different Size modifiers if necessary.

10:  SIC Points Calculation Matrix

The points system used here will allow you to calculate the value of a ship based on its Ship Information Card (SIC).

The calculation is as follows: 

Ship Cost = [(Size x 30) + (Primary Equipment Cost) + (Secondary Equipment Cost)] x (Ship Cost Modifiers)

Primary Equipment Cost is equal to 20, modified by any equipment-specific modifier for each one individually.  Any number of Primary Equipment that exceeds the Ship's Size adds 10% to the Ship's cost in the (Ship Cost Modifiers).

Secondary Equipment Cost is equal to 10, modified by any equipment-specific modifier for each one individually.  Any number of Secondary Equipment that exceeds the Ship's Size adds 5% to the Ship's cost in the (Ship Cost Modifiers).

Weapons Arc Modifier:  Use the following chart to determine the Equipment Cost Modifier for a weapon.  Add together the modifiers for each arc the weapon may fire out of to the base equipment cost. 


11: Optional Game Aids (Order/condition decks)

12: Blank SIC / Tokens

The Cyb Expansion:

Scenarios, Ships, Equptment? (Faction details)

Point of Interest Capture

Ship size/proximity + Assault ships.

Point of intrest research

 VIP Rescue mission..


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Blackstar Corvette, Frigate, Destroyer(s)