Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Design Change: Points value

 As I mentioned in an earlier post, the general formula for ships was 44pts per Primary slot and 22 pts for secondary slot.  This was due to a desire to have certain ships cost a certain amount (eg, 500pts for a typical dreadnought).  I reverse engineered the points cost and ended up with the following chart: 

I had a few more of these sheets and at the time I felt pretty smart.  To be honest, I don't have the brain power or inclination to dissect what all those mean.  In general though, I settled into what appears to be the first one, with a primary at 44 and secondary at 22 points per.

I was trying to do some maths at work in calculation of various ship's points cost and had a "oh duh" epiphany...why don't I simplify and make the point values 40 and 20 instead!

After playing around with this and discovering that all the values suddenly were lacking stupid divisions into fractional points, I have decided that it will be worth the effort to go back and redo all the cards I have made so far.  This will give me an opportunity to also to make "Master Card" templates for each size class.  

Now that our latest project is finished (animated Children's story), I can start working on making a video for gameplay.  For that I need to quit writing so much fan-fiction and start moving the pieces across the board!

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Blackstar Corvette, Frigate, Destroyer(s)