Thursday, October 1, 2020

New Anglian Confederation/Colonies: Overarching Lore in the Mareldon-verse

According the the GZG Full Thurst Miniatures line website for the New Anglian Confederation:



The current prefix used for NAC Navy ships is RNS, for Royal Navy Starship. Up to 2166 the prefix was CNS (for Confederation Navy Ship), but an Admiralty decision to change to RNS was reached as a compromise with the hardline Royalist factions who actually wanted a return to the old HMS (His/Her Majesty's Ship) which had been dropped in the late 2090s. NAC-registered merchant shipping is prefixed MSS, for Merchant Star Ship.

The national emblem for the Royal navy is a stylised "A" symbol with echoes of the old United Kingdom flag, in the traditional red, white and blue.

More specific lore can be found here at the Star Ranger website and posted here for posterity should it ever fail:

NAC - New Anglian Confederation

The New Anglian Confederation Royal Space Navy

(From the GZG 2004 paper catalog)
The NAC Royal Navy is a direct descendant of the British RN, and proudly maintains many of the long-standing traditions of the Senior Service. The amalgamation of the British, Canadian and former US navies (that is, the Earthbound surface fleets) when the Anglian Confederation was formed in 2057 brought many American and Canadian naval practices into the new force, but the three nations' long history of co-operation served to make the integration a relatively easy one. The US Military had operated primitive in-system space warships since the early 2020s, and the development of the Jump drive in the 2060s led the new NAC RN to start a program of FTL warship construction to support and protect their colonial expansion. The first true combat starship was the HMS Thunderer, launched from the Lunar orbit shipyard on July 10th 2076. 

The Royal Navy in the 2180s is divided into Core Command, which operates the NAC fleet units still based within the Sol, Barnard and Centaurus systems, Defence Command (also known as the Home Fleet) that operates in the Inner Colonies and is tasked with protection of the NAC's Capital on Albion, and Outworld Command that operates throughout the far-flung NAC colonial possessions. The ground-combat arm of the Navy is the Royal Marines, elements of which are divided between the three Space Commands. Training Command and the Royal Naval Reserve are run as separate organizational structures, with both contributing ships and manpower to any of the main active-duty Commands in times of need. Service in all branches of the NAC armed forces is on a volunteer basis except in the most extreme circumstances, and personnel morale is generally very high. The RN encourages pride in the history and traditions of the Navy, and conditions aboard NAC ships are are comfortable as possible within the constraints of warship design and function. 

Ship Design Doctrine: 

The Royal Navy employs largely general-purpose ships (with the exception of the Fighter Carrier classes), using a broad mix of weapons and systems - beam batteries, pulse torpedoes and some salvo missile systems. They have some specialized designs for duties such as minelaying and sweeping, planetary bombardment and such, but the majority of fleet units are versatile multi-role ships. Energy screens are the primary passive defense, though some hull armour is also employed especially on the heavier units. Mobility is generally average-to-good, with very few ships having less than thrust-4 drives. Fighter operations doctrine is to base them on specialized carriers which rely primarily on supporting escort ships for their defense.

Further lore (though fan-made like my own) may be found on the Emerald Coast Skunkworks website (also saved displayed here for posterity):

The NAC has a long and proud naval tradition dating all the way back to 19th century Earth’s wet navy forces. The fleet places a great emphasis on large capital ships supported by the carrier force. The NAC considers cruiser class ships to be escorts for the larger capital ships. Despite the fleet’s impressive ships and high level of technology, it has yet to fully recover from the losses sustained during the Kra’ Vak war. This, coupled with the need to provide ships to Operation Damocles (the mission to find the Kra’ Vak homeworlds), has left the fleet spread very thin. The NAC’s holdings are simply too large for the fleet to protect. This has led to a very high operating tempo that has forced ships to skip regular yard and maintenance overhauls. 
The crews are also not operating at peak efficiency and personnel retention among the ranks has become a challenge. With the end of the Kra’ Vak war Parliament has reduced the NAC navy’s budget to a fraction of what it had been. To augment the fleet, and further reduce costs, Parliament has authorized the hiring and arming of Private Military Corporations to take over some of the more routine duties traditionally handled by the fleet. There are an estimated twelve different companies working contracts from garrisoning border star systems, anti-piracy operations and convoy escort duties. 
The NAC Navy uses cutting edge technology wherever possible. They have begun refitting several ships with advanced Graser weapons. While these weapons are not quite as powerful as their UNSC counterparts they do offer the fleet a greater punch than before. The carrier force utilizes reinforced hangers that, while having a somewhat slower launch rate, are less susceptible to secondary explosions. 
The bulk of their fighters however remain older designs; the Standard F/A-34 being the primary space superiority fighter. The AT-96 Attack fighter is the typical anti-shipping fighter. The AT-96a is a modified version that carriers a pulse torpedo in place of its standard armaments. One area the NAC has excelled is in the development of robotics and limited artificial intelligence. Many of the larger capital ships are being refitted with robot fighters. These fighters are primarily for defensive purposes. 
 One other area the NAC has excelled is in Advanced Screen research. Working in cooperation with the American Republic (formerly Cal-Tex) they have developed an Advanced Screen system that will significantly reduce the effects of Kra’ Vak KGuns. However, due to the same budget cuts that have reduced the size of the fleet, only a few capital ships have been so refitted.

I see no reason to change any of this premise. 

To add to it, in my head-canon, the year is now 2220, and the current powers-that be are off doing whatever else is going on.  The NAC core worlds and more affluent colonies have become somewhat crowded in the previous decades, and with the government's recognition of the power dynamics at play that could erupt into a civil war have decided to take an unprecedented measure:  A major colonization attempt expanding the NAC territory into neutral areas.  

Aimed at providing a vacuum that the new aristocracy (or troublesome family members) can claim and fill, these expansions have been moderately successful at relieving the core colonies and the old aristocracy of unwanted influences from within.  Indeed, some individuals lead their households into these newly claimed "Colonies" with the purpose of refreshing their families legacies with grand conquests, but many more leave because they are invited to do so "in the interests of the Crown".  There is a mix of relief and resentment among those who move to the Colonies.  Thus the NAC (for my purposes) is also interchangable for the "New Anglian Colonies", which shall be the subject of my fan-lore.

Their method of FTL travel, known as Spacial Piercing (Piercing for short) involves the generation of a single point that draws the ship to another place in space at an increased rate.  As special handwavium energy is concentrated at the "tip" of the ship, and the "fabric" of normal space is "pierced" by the shape of the bow, allowing some close bodies (eg, fighters) to be drawn through with it.  During this time, shipboard activities can occur normally, but outside any shielding time will seem suspended until the return to real-space.

One of these areas shares a border with a neutral zone of the NSL territories (since I have a collection of them), whom I will expand upon later.  Other alien races will be expounded upon eventually as the models and game-play/scenarios become relevant.

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